Thursday, September 23, 2010


What is an astrological house and what does it mean? They are simply a way of dividing up your birth chart. The time and location of your birth help to divide up the chart. They are numbered courter-clockwise from 1 - 12, and each house represents a different sphere of your life. The division starts at the eastern horizon, which is where we find our ascendant or rising sign, and then rotating down under the horizon. The ascendant is the cusp of our first house.

There are many different ways to divide up the chart devised by many different astrologers over the course of the centuries. Some have a different sign on the cusp of each house and some don't - meaning, for example, that Scorpio can be on your 12th house cusp and your first house like it is in mine, putting Taurus on the 6th and 7th house cusps. Therefore two signs (Leo and Aquarius) or completely contained in their houses and don't lie on a cusp. They co-rule the house and can add more meaning to it.